tmux cheat sheet

Notes taken while following another tutoriaLinux’s video.


Ctrl+B C - create a new tmux window. Changes window stats at the bottom panel. Current window is highlighted with *

Ctrl+B , - rename current window

Ctrl+B P - switch current window to Previous one

Ctrl+B N - switch current window to Next one

Ctrl+B W - list windows with an option to switch between.


Pane is another abstraction in tmux.

Ctrl+B % - splits current window or pane into 2 panes horizontally

Ctrl+B : - shows prompt for named command. split-window to split vertically

Ctrl+B <arrow keys> - navigate between panes


tmux new -s <session name> - create a new session

Ctrl+B D - detach from session

tmux list-sessions - list sessions on current machine

tmux attach -t <session name> - attach to current session